At first, the 2016 murder figures for gun-controlled Chicago drew attention by hitting 500, which was 32 higher than the …
(NaturalNews) Sometimes President Barack Obama can’t get out of the way of his own hypocrisy. In December, the Chinese government …
Picture yourself still alive in the future. Perhaps after the new world order is fully operational (2030 or beyond). By …
(NaturalNews) Freedom of speech is one of our most precious rights as Americans, but what must be understood is that …
(NaturalNews) The modern day public school system has become a mind control operation that conditions children to simulate into compliant, …
What does an informal Mexican food restaurant with the name “Illegal Pete” invoke in you? Does it make you laugh, …
(NaturalNews) It’s the ultimate in speech policing and political correctness, with a side of tyranny and a dose of insanity …
A new CBS report ahead of President Obama’s last State of the Union address details how the Republican response– delivered …
Jimmy Kimmel Live! documented the hilarious (and concerning) responses of millennials who congratulated North Korea after being told it successfully completed …