The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines racism as the belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and …
It should be said — plainly, loudly and often — that far-Left “progressives” and their ideological soulmates in the Democratic …
Explicitly liberal colleges across the US are imploding from within and it’s getting ugly. Droves of coddled students have lost …
In recent days you may recall, on this site and others, reading about wild tales involving a group of “misguided” …
Left-wing extremists who run the vast majority of America’s college campuses don’t have to actually address problems of “hate” or …
To say that things are out of control on the campus of the uber-Left-wing Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington, …
Many once-fine institutions for higher learning in America are slowly but very steadily being transformed from educational facilities to cultural …
So-called “Trump Derangement Syndrome” is a real thing and ought to become an official psychiatric diagnosis, though given the Left-leaning …
A black student group at the University of California, Santa Cruz recently occupied a campus building and refused to leave …
Political correctness pushed by the progressive movement is particularly egregious at public universities, i.e. those funded primarily by the taxpayer and …
In the 2nd-hour monologue of his daily three-hour show on Tuesday, talk show behemoth Rush Limbaugh discussed whether today’s younger generation …
Democrats – and especially Democratic presidents – are protected by a sort of ‘Pretorian guard’ known as the “mainstream media,” …
The politically correct nonsense on American college campuses is continuing apace, with students now paying a price academically if they …
It says a lot about a university when a student gets suspended for disagreeing with one of their professors. After …