At this point, we should all be well aware that an alarming amount of millennials don’t actually research politics. They …
( Presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald J. Trump nailed his likely Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton, over her handling of Britain’s …
“I’m with her.” Those three words instantly let you know that a person couldn’t care less about corruption and deception …
It doesn’t take a genius to recognize that gun regulations fail to curb gun violence. If they did, why do …
Planned Parenthood states on its website that it is a “non-partisan, not-for-profit organization.” But that claim couldn’t be further from …
On the same day, at two separate campaign events, Hillary Clinton was caught on tape trying to convince voters that …
As the on-going scandal continues to unravel, the recent disclosures regarding Hillary Clinton’s now less-than secret illegal email server prompted …
If we didn’t need further affirmation that the public education system is broken, that everyone with the right mind should …