21% of overweight people polled actually believe they are a healthy weight,
It is easy to become deluded about the state of your health when you look around and nearly everyone is in the same situation. People tend to benchmark themselves against the “normal”, and with obesity increasing in many parts of the world, a person who is a little overweight can easily convince himself he is Read More
Self-defense is now ILLEGAL in the UK,
The United Kingdom has been moving politically to the Left for some time now, but even in our wildest dreams, never could we have imagined that it would become illegal to protect yourself there. As reported by The New American, British subjects seeking advice about what are and are not permissible self-defense instruments found some Read More
Why anti-gun cities are collapsing into runaway murder hubs,
It is becoming extremely difficult to distinguish some parts of American cities from overseas war zones as the number of people cut down by gunfire in these cities continues to climb. Over the recent Memorial Day holiday, for example, nine people were killed and scores more were wounded in what became part of the deadliest Read More
Black imposter Rachel Dolezal resigns from NAACP; previously filed lawsuit against university for race discrimination,
In a wildly viral article on Natural News, I asked whether society can accept while people impersonating black people by claiming to be “trans-race.” That article, one of the most heavily-commented articles of the year, also dared to ask whether humans can decide to be “trans-species” who declare themselves to be llamas, or owls or Read More
Anti-cannabis presidential candidate Marco Rubio accepts bribes from prison industry,
One of the primary reasons why the cannabis plant is still vilified by many of the corporate fascists occupying D.C. is this: jailing people for pot is a highly profitable endeavor that makes for-profit prisons and the corporations that run them very rich. And on the dole of this corrupt gravy train is none other Read More
Watch: Americans support insane policies as long as celebrities agree – Karl Marx for president, Soylent Green in schools and more!,
In his latest YouTube video, legendary spoof interviewer Mark Dice proves once again that America’s pop culture-dominated society will go along with just about anything if they think for a moment that the rich and famous are doing the same things. Dice, joined in his latest “Man on the Street” video by Luke Rudkowski of Read More
MSM: Joking about dead terrorists is ‘insensitive,’ but making fun of vaccine-damaged children is hilarious!,
Whether or not Americans have a right to free speech increasingly depends on what the purveyors of political correctness on the Left sanction as “proper” or “improper,” no matter how hypocritical, insane or outrageously insensitive. Cases in point: The dramatic differences between what the mainstream media and culture considered improper speech (regarding the recent killing Read More
Pro-GMO corporate shill Mark Lynas exposed yet again as a self-contradicting liar,
Mark Lynas, once a powerful voice of the movement against genetically modified (GM) foods, already made it clear in a long speech at the Oxford Farming Conference in 2013 that he no longer stands behind his own ideas. “I want to apologize for having spent several years ripping up GM crops,” he said. “I am Read More