School lifts ban on child tag game after public outcry,
The Mercer Island School District has decided to rescind their ridiculous ban on the playground game “tag” after receiving ferocious negative feedback from parents and the public. The school district originally decided to ban the game of tag over the physical and emotional safety of students. Essentially what they were saying was that they believed it Read More
Progressive liberal hypocrisy: Fighting integration of public schools with the poor,
You would figure by stated liberal ideologies that, in the epicenter of their control, New York City, which has served as ground zero for the implementation of policies aimed at dismantling politically incorrect exclusionary politics, you would find the most tolerant and ecstatically supportive communities in the country. Well this mythical zeitgeist was notably dismantled Read More
Censorship hypocrisy: Amazon bans Confederate flag but allows shirt promoting police killing,
After pointedly banning Confederate flag memorabilia from sale on their website, Amazon decided to allow products which promote killing of police, well at least until fervent calls for a boycott of their overall services forced them to take the items down. But the inconsistency of their response isn’t whats most frightening here; it’s the growing Read More
Robo sex trafficking? New campaign issues ban on sex robots,
The mathematician Alan Turing argued that a machine could perform the substantial equivalent of thinking if it could convince someone that it was human by responding to various questions through teletype, whereas author Phillip Dick suggested that emotions are the necessary ingredient in order to make robots “conscious.” But what will really transform cold silicon Read More
WALKING and texting turns out to be just as dangerous as DRIVING while texting,
Texting while walking is a major contributor to the deaths of pedestrians in traffic accidents, according to a report by the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) released on August 10. The report, “Everyone Walks: Understanding and Addressing Pedestrian Safety,” examines the different factors that contribute to pedestrian fatalities in collisions between pedestrians and motor vehicles. Read More
Washington Post now parrots exactly what the Health Ranger already said about minimum wage and fast food robots,
Natural News editor Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, is an expert in food health, an academic, a scientist and an activist and advocate for medical choice, but – as head of one of the largest (and growing) independent media networks – he’s also a businessman. So he knows a thing or two about meeting deadlines, Read More
Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize finally revealed as an official joke,
The former director of the Nobel Institute, Geir Lundestad, recently revealed the real reason why President Obama received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009, in a new detailed memoir of his career. It turns out the award was an simply an attempt to incentivize and encourage President Obama to follow through with his calls at the Read More
Jeb Bush resorts to standing on his tip toes to outshine GOP competitors,
After a rigorous GOP debate Wednesday, hopeful presidential candidate Jeb Bush hilariously tried to outsmart his opponents by flexing his arms outward and standing on his tip toes for the group photo. In his defense Thursday morning, Jeb Bush retorted that he was simply “trying to find his wife in the crowd,” after the video Read More