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Officials proclaim social media a terrorist threat,

The future of uncensored social media seems bleak, judging by the recent statements of FBI Director James Comey and Homeland Security Sec. Jeh Johnson. Following Obama’s summit on “violent extremism,” both Comey and Johnson warned the public of looming terrorist activity thanks to the extensive influence of social media. While acknowledging social media’s contribution to Read More

Credit: Wikicommons

Sorry, Sanders: Scandinavian policies are far from the ‘democratic socialism’ you keep claiming exists,

Socialism is not all it is chalked up to be, or rather what Democratic Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders insists that it is. Sanders’ campaign has been successful largely due to proclamations that if elected, he will free us all from the chains of bureaucracy. But there’s just one problem: he intends to do so using more Read More

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Brain dead CNN warns against calling breastfeeding “natural” (Video),

Wow, CNN is so totally brain dead that it’s now warning against calling breastfeeding “natural.” What’s the problem with that? They claim if we call it “natural,” then we might be encouraging moms to pursue other “natural” things like nutrition or organic food (or avoid vaccines). And that’s BAD, according to CNN. Yep, the Communist Read More


Emory University students scared by “Trump 2016″ chalk signs (Video),

Students at Emory University claim they were frightened and ‘in pain’ after someone wrote ‘Trump 2016′ in chalk around campus. To read more about Donald Trump News, please go to for all the latest updates


Ottawa University bans free yoga class due to controversial “cultural issues”,

Jennifer Scharf has been offering free yoga lessons at the Centre for Students with Disabilities since 2008 — just this September, however, she received an email telling her the class had been suspended. According to The Telegraph, Scharf was shocked “after being told by Ottawa University’s student federation her class was being cancelled because of ‘cultural issues’.” The email Read More


Kentucky judge dismisses entire jury due to lack of minority representation,

Due to the lack of minority representation among the jury, Jefferson Circuit Court Judge Olu Stevens decided to postpone a drug trial and dismiss the entire jury panel altogether. Despite objections from both the defense and the prosecution, Stevens brought in a new group of jurors — and it wasn’t the first time he did Read More


Officials refuse to disclose list of 11 Obamacare co-ops nearing collapse,

Barely two years after their launch in 2013, nine of the original 24 Obamacare co-ops have already been deemed failures – with an additional 11 more nearing collapse, as well. Although federal officials have already identified these 11 co-ops, the list remains shrouded in secrecy as they refuse to divulge information to the public. Officials Read More


The Leftist Empire Strikes Back: Texas school bans 7th-grader’s Star Wars T-shirt for displaying ‘offensive’ fictional weapon,

(NaturalNews) The modern day public school system has become a mind control operation that conditions children to simulate into compliant, dumbed-down copies of one another. The originality, creativity, and questioning nature of the child’s spirit is drowned out, as they are forced to comply to some manufactured concept of what it means to be a Read More