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Big Mac Attack! Did they whop each other over a McWhopper?,

It must be tough living in Thomasville, Georgia and working at one of the local McDonalds. Hmm, is it the fluoridated water, Prozac or those special flavors inside the mystery meat that caused two blue uniformed women to take it to the parking lot? These ladies had some girth, so it wasn’t easy to pry them Read More


Facebook censors pro Second Amendment accounts, but refuses to take down “Assassinate Donald Trump” page,

To read more about Donald Trump News, please go to for all the latest updates You have to give it to that Mark Zuckerberg guy; hypocrisy rolls right off him and his uber-Left-wing company – a little social media site called Facebook – like water off a duck. If it’s conservative, Republican, pro-Constitution, patriotic, Read More


Mental health experts: People who eat healthy are mentally ill,

The extreme desire to eat pure, uncontaminated, healthy food has now been diagnosed as a mental disorder known as orthorexia nervosa, as per a new medical labeling trend. According to The Guardian: “Orthorexics commonly have rigid rules around eating. Refusing to touch sugar, salt, caffeine, alcohol, wheat, gluten, yeast, soy, corn and dairy foods is Read More


Democrat-run D.C. will start paying criminals to stop committing crime,

It’s cliché, of course, but true: It looks like crime really does pay, at least in the nation’s capital. As reported by The Daily Sheeple and the Washington Times, the Democrats who run Washington, D.C., think a “crime bill” means career criminals should be paid so they don’t commit crimes. It’s like collecting a ransom Read More


You won’t believe how much the federal government spent on a study between ‘gender and glaciers’,

The federal government’s various agencies and bureaus are always finding unique and amazing ways to waste our tax dollars, including, it seems, funding studies to find out how men and women interact with glaciers. Worse, as reported by the Washington Free Beacon, the study appeared to be an effort to advance militant feminism. The head Read More


Is it illegal to protect yourself from a home intruder?,

In what may be one of the most egregious uses of the court system in recent years, a Californian is being financially bled dry by someone who tried to rob or hurt him and his family. As reported by LawNewz, Joe Balistreri, is being sued by a San Francisco man who was shot breaking into Read More


Eastern Germans threaten civil war with increasingly totalitarian central government, as migrant invasion threatens national sovereignty,

Germany is edging closer to anarchy as citizens grow increasingly frustrated with Chancellor Angela Merkel’s decision to welcome one million refugees into the country. Germans are becoming more and more concerned that their country’s so-called democracy is inching closer towards a totalitarian state, Alternative for Germany party member Hansjoerg Mueller told Russia Today in a Read More

flat earth

Flat Earthers debunked: How we know the Earth and Moon are spheres, not discs,

The rapper B.o.B. declared on Twitter last month that Earth is flat, claiming to have pictures to back up his outlandish claims. The incident provoked responses from high profile scientists like Neil deGrasse Tyson, who noted such statements made by a public figure are responsible for a strain of anti-intellectualism plaguing the nation. Unfortunately, few Read More